Note: If using automysqlbackup to backup all your MySQL databases on a Linux host, and you are getting the error: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘automysqlbackup’@’localhost’ (using password: YES) even though you test it on the command line and can successfully login as the automysqlbackup user (or whichever user you are using for backups), make certain that the… Read more »
I recently had the need to process static file types (particularly *.html and *.pdf files) through the .NET processor/Framework on a Windows 2003 / IIS 6.0 server for the purpose of redirecting certain URLs. Having done this in the past, I knew I simply needed to add an application mapping for each file extension to the .NET processor. (Read more… Read more »
I just rebuilt a computer at work due to a motherboard failure, and upon reinstallation, had a problem with QuickBooks Pro 2008. When I tried to run the program, all I got was: “QuickBooks unrecoverable error” as the title of a message box, with contents indicating that the program couldn’t start and asking if I would like to send an… Read more »
I had to replace a host-based firewall, based on OpenBSD, that had some failing hardware this week. I managed to get the failing system up and running and made a full back up of the system using tar over SSH to a remote computer. (Thanks to Trinity Rescue Kit for the help! I ran TRK on a Windows laptop I… Read more »
In a previous post, WordPress woes, I went through the procedure I used to solve some performance problems related to how the IP address on this server is NATed. Well, there was another problem somewhere that caused the WordPress admin to be incredibly slow most of the time, caused Akismet to not work at all, and a variety of other… Read more »
Well, as part of my WordPress install, I am using the Crawl Rate Tracker plugin. It shows the hits on your blog from various spiders and so on. In it’s dashboard (in your WordPress admin) there is a nifty chart that visualizes the info. Or, at least, there should be. In my case, I got a text link that just… Read more »
During the journey of installing WordPress, choosing a theme, setting up plugins, and so on, I ran into a problem that oh-so-many out there have hit: terrible performance in the WordPress admin (downloadable version of WordPress, not at Well, to make a long story short this time: Do as everyone recommends, despite believing that the problem occurred before a… Read more »
Well, as my first post, let me touch on some wordpress performance problems, as I just ran into said problems while getting this blog running. So, I setup this virtual server a couple weeks ago. On it, I installed a variety of things, including some other PHP-heavy sites. All of them work great; faster than I expected, in fact. Today,… Read more »
Today I was inspired by an article in the February 27th issue of Infoworld Magazine written by Tom Yager titled, “What virtualization is — and what it isn’t,” which was regarding misuse of the term “virtualization.” He goes on to briefly identify a few ways that the term is used correctly, as well as incorrectly, in some modern software products,… Read more »
Tonight I’m discussing Xen Virtualization Technology. This technology is the best I’ve ever worked with when it comes to virtualization of hardware on an x86-based machine. What is Xen? From the Xen FAQ: “Xen is a virtual machine monitor (VMM) for x86-compatible computers. Xen can securely execute multiple virtual machines, each running its own OS, on a single physical system… Read more »